Welcome to Ingleside Terraces! - administrator
01-17-2015, 12:35 AM
Please register to interact with your neighbors and contribute to the discussions. You must be an owner or resident of the Ingleside Terraces neighborhood in San Francisco to join.
Once you click Register you will be prompted for a username. We suggest you use your real name instead of a handle ex: John_Smith, John_K_Smith, JaneSmith, etc. We are also asking for your name and address which others will not be able to see to verify that you are an IT resident or owner. This is the name you used when paying your dues.
Once you are registered, an administrator will activate your account and you will see additional forums and topics and be able to post.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Once you click Register you will be prompted for a username. We suggest you use your real name instead of a handle ex: John_Smith, John_K_Smith, JaneSmith, etc. We are also asking for your name and address which others will not be able to see to verify that you are an IT resident or owner. This is the name you used when paying your dues.
Once you are registered, an administrator will activate your account and you will see additional forums and topics and be able to post.
We look forward to hearing from you.