The Terraces

Full Version: ITHA Annual Board Meeting Agenda
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Fellow Ingleside Terraces Residents,

Below and attached is the Agenda for our Annual Board Meeting that will take place on this Saturday, November 3, 2018, at 10:00AM.  All Ingleside Terraces residents and homeowners are welcome and encouraged to attend!


10:00 A.M. Saturday, November 3, 2018
Church Hall – St. Francis Episcopal Church
399 San Fernando Way
San Francisco, CA.


10:00AM:    Call to order                                                   Mark Scardina 

1. Approval of October Meeting Minutes                              Mark Scardina
2. President’s Report                                                         Mark Scardina
3. Treasurer’s Report                                                        David Supan
4. SFPD Taraval Station Captain’s report                             Captain Robert Yick
5. District 7 Update/Supervisor Yee                                    Supervisor Yee/Erica Maybaum
6. Ingleside Light/Ocean Ave Assoc.                                   Neil Ballard
7. Board Elections                                                             Christopher Murriel
8. Committee Reports
    a. Newsletter Committee                                               Linda McGilvray
    b. Construction Report                                                  Suzanne McDonnell                
    c. Design Review                                                          Suzanne McDonnell
    d. Social Committee                                                      Sandy Gandolfo, Wendy Dwyer
    e. WTPCC Report                                                         Mark Scardina
    f. Membership Committee                                             Jade To
    g. Welcome Wagon                                                      Jade To
    h. NERT                                                                      Thom Buchanan
    i. Landscape Committee                                                John Stacey
    j. Electronic Comm. Committee                                      Mark Scardina for Mark Goldstein

New Business
12:00PM                       Adjourn

NEXT MEETING: January 17, 2019 at 7:30 PM

Chris Murriel
Vice President
ITHA Homes Association