The Terraces

Full Version:  Balboa Reservoir Workshop #2: Next Tuesday, May 5th
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Dear Community Members , 

This is a friendly reminder that next Tuesday is the second public workshop on the Balboa Reservoir project. The workshop will dive into more detailed conversations with city staff on the priorities that have emerged from community meetings, surveys and input. We will also update you on the process, including the new Citizens Advisory Committee. There will be a little overlap for those who have been attended previous meetings, but next Tuesday will provide a chance for more input into areas such as open space, neighborhood character, sustainability, housing and transportation.  


Balboa Reservoir Site Study – Public Workshop #2

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

6-8 PM

City College, Multi-Use Building, Room 140

55 Phelan Avenue (west side of Phelan, between Ocean and Judson)

Optional RSVP here                                                                                                                                                                                                                

More info:

Email for childcare or translation requests

Please spread the word and encourage people to RSVP if they are online (RSVP is optional, but helpful for planning). Feel free to contact me with any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!


Jeremy Shaw



 JEREMY SHAW | Planner/Urban Designer | SF PLANNING | 415.575.9135