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Supervisor Norman Yee’s Official Statement on BOS’ Police Staffing Resolution |
Posted by: MarkScardina - 06-24-2015, 07:42 PM - Forum: City Meetings and Events
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Supervisor Norman Yee’s Official Statement on Board of Supervisors’ Police Staffing Resolution
On Tuesday, the Board of Supervisors took a vote on a non-binding resolution to establish a Board policy to support increasing the number police officers in San Francisco based on population growth. We have heard from many District 7 residents who were perplexed by my decision to oppose this resolution. Since the media did not cover my perspective, I want to take this opportunity to explain my position.
Since coming into office, I have urged the City to increase the number of police officers to the level that our current Charter supports, which is 1,971. The San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) currently has 1,689 full-duty officers, so we are roughly 300 officers short of meeting the 1,971 goal. Just a few years ago, SFPD had a hiring freeze due to the economic recession and struggled to increase its force. That was unacceptable to me. This year, I supported a City budget which allowed SFPD to add 8 police academy classes over the next two years to train new officers. Police Chief Greg Suhr believes that our city will reach 1,971 police officers by 2017 with this increase in classes.
The resolution introduced by my colleagues did not simply state that we wanted to increase the number of officers to meet our current needs. I would have supported that. Instead, the resolution called for increasing our police force beyond 2,200 officers. The 2,200 figure is based on an old report completed in 2008. The sponsors of the resolution did not even bother to have a discussion with the San Francisco Police Commission, the oversight body of the SF Police Department, about this goal. I have an issue with supporting a policy statement that does not offer an open, transparent dialogue about the real needs to support an increase. I also don’t believe in making decisions based on outdated data. Since 2008, there have been many changes that influence the assessment of the appropriate number of police officers needed to keep our city safe. This includes new technology that we are investing in to increase SFPD’s ability to decrease response time. Can there be other changes to make SFPD more efficient? Can we move police officers out of desk jobs and on to the beat instead? Are there effective crime prevention programs that would influence the number of officers needed to ensure public safety?
I also want to point out that this resolution is not impactful. It is merely a statement--not a mandate or an action. If we really want to talk about increasing public safety, we should be looking at proactive ways to determine the needs of our city. We have at least two years before the SFPD can even reach the 1,971 goal established by our Charter. I want us to get to a point where we are able to make the call to increase the number of officers based on a comprehensive process. I wanted to offer an amendment to this resolution to include a process to determine how many police officers are needed in the City based on current analysis. I wanted to take the politics out of this vote.
I completely support our police force and look forward to getting our District 7 stations fully staffed to serve our residents. But, as we plan for the future, I want to continue this conversation and approach the question of appropriate staffing for all our Public Safety departments in a comprehensive way.
I hope this helps to clarify my position on this resolution. Let’s make sound, logical decisions rather than political ones. It’s only fair to the residents of our District and this great city that we take the time to do it right.
Posted by: MarkScardina - 05-22-2015, 06:41 PM - Forum: City Meetings and Events
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June 2015
Children's Programs:
Toddler Tales & Playtime – Mondays, June 1, 15, 22, & 29 at 10:15 a.m.
Rhymes, songs, and books. For ages 16 months to 2 years and their caregivers.
ZooMobile – Monday, June 1 at 12:00 p.m.
There is nothing quite as memorable to a child as touching the sleek scales of a snake or petting the soft fur of a chinchilla. ZooMobile offers an up-close, hands-on experience with animals in the classroom. These programs draw students into the wonders of nature while educating them about the animals who share their world. Space is limited to 35 children. Please call ahead for reservations.
Baby Rhyme & Playtime – Thursdays, June 4, 11, 18, & 25 at 10:15 a.m.
Rhyme, rhythm, and song. For infants up to 18 months and their caregivers.
Buzzy Bees Traveling Hive – Monday, June 8 at 10:30 a.m.
Buzzy Bees Traveling Hive brings the wonder & mystery of bees to the library! Veteran beekeeper Tim Muhrlin will present a program about the complex behavior of the honey bee – honey tastings included! For children ages 3 and older.
Maker Lab Jam Session: Gravity – Tuesday, June 16 at 4:00 p.m.
Sample several activities that explore ways to utilize and overcome gravity in this hands-on, open-ended, jam session -- raise a tower, build a bridge or race a zipline. A Bay Area Discovery Museum educator will lead a whole group circle time before we break out into the hands-on maker stations. All materials are provided for participating families and include take-home tips for caregivers, plus a discount coupon for a future visit to the Bay Area Discovery Museum. For ages 3 to 8. Registration is required.
Music with Alison Faith Levy – Wednesday, June 24 at 4:00 p.m.
Alison Faith Levy is a beloved Bay Area children’s musician and performer who makes “sophisticated pop for little ears.” Accompanying herself on guitar and accordion, she engages library audiences in all kinds of dancing, spinning, wiggling, pretend play, call and response singing, and other silliness. Alison has just released a brand new album for children, The Start of Things, and can’t wait to bring her new songs to SFPL audiences! For more info about Alison, visit www.alisonfaithlevy.com.
Adult Programs:
Merced Branch Library Book Club – Tuesday, June 2 at 7:00 p.m.
Join us for a lively discussion of Ben Macintyre's book, A Spy Among Friends: Kim Philby and the Great Betrayal. Merced Branch Library book club meets bimonthly. New members are always welcome. For more information or to locate a copy of the book, please contact library staff at 415.355.2825.
Knitting Circle – Tuesday, June 9 at 6:00 p.m.
All levels of knitters, please join us with your knit projects and spread the inspiration! Practice supplies provided, but bring your own if you have a special project in mind. For ages 13 and up.
The Beatles and Their Songs: A Musical Revolution – Wednesday, June 24 at 7:00 p.m.
Beatles songs continue to stand the test of time. The group’s contribution to the history of 20th century popular music remains unprecedented and unchallenged. Musician Dulais Rhys outlines the history of the group’s formation and focuses on their songs, influences, form, stylistic development, and legacy. His talk includes musical examples, slides, and audience interaction – singing along is encouraged!
Book-A-Librarian: Learn Basic Computer Skills
Choose a topic - searching library databases, setting up an email account, or surfing the Internet. Basic mouse and typing skills required. Sign up in-person or call to make a one hour one-on-one appointment.
“You Can’t Judge a Book...” by Artists from The Arc – April 4 to June 26
This exhibition highlights the talents and perspective of artists with developmental disabilities and the importance of their creative contribution to our culture. Also on display at the Noe Valley and Eureka Valley branches.
Merced Branch Library, San Francisco Public Library
155 Winston Drive (at 19th Avenue), San Francisco, CA 94132
(415) 355-2825, sfpl.org
ITHA Meeting Agenda for 6/18/2015 |
Posted by: LesPlack - 05-18-2015, 10:49 PM - Forum: IT Meetings and Events
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The following is the Agenda our June 18th meeting. All Ingleside Terraces homeowners and residents are welcome and encouraged to attend. INGLESIDE TERRACES HOMES ASSOCIATION 7:30 P.M. Thursday, June 18, 2015
Guild Hall – St. Francis Episcopal Church
399 San Fernando WaySan Francisco, CA. AGENDA
7:30pm: Call to order Mark Scardina
- Approval of 5/21/2015 Minutes Mark Scardina
- President’s Report Mark Scardina
- Treasurer’s Report Mark Scardina for David Supan
- SFPD Taraval Station Sector Sergeant’s report
- Communications Task Force Jade To
- Committee Reports
- Electronic Comm. Committee Mark Goldstein
- Construction Report Suzanne McDonnell
- Social Committee Sandy Gandolfo
- Welcome Wagon Jade To
- NERT Colin Shields
- Membership Committee Jade To
- WTPCC Report Paul Conroy
- Landscape Committee Rory Camp
- Newsletter Committee Linda McGilvray
- Design Review Suzanne McDonnell
10. New Business
9:00PM Adjourn
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 7:30 PM
Special ITHA Board Telecnoference on 5/11 |
Posted by: MarkScardina - 05-09-2015, 08:47 PM - Forum: IT Meetings and Events
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There will be a special ITHA Board Teleconference on Monday, May 11th at 9pm to 10pm to address the following single item do to the Planning Commission meeting on May 14th. - ITHA Response to 1948 Ocean Ave (Legend Billiards) 312 Discretionary Review for an ABC Type 40 (Beer-only) license.
As this is a teleconference, if you would like to attend please contact me by sending me a Private Message or email by Monday 5pm. Please also let me know as well as if you would like to make a statement.
Please note regardless of your position, as the Board would have to create a letter that represents us to the Planning Commission, that either support or opposition must have an expressible and reasonable rationale that reflects our responsible position. Therefore, please include such rationale in your remarks on the call. You may of course, always respond to the Commission directly on this issue in your personal capacity.
All other business will be conducted at our normal 3rd Thursday meeting on May 21st.
Posted by: MarkScardina - 04-30-2015, 08:53 PM - Forum: City Meetings and Events
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May 2015
Children's Programs:
Toddler Tales & Playtime – Mondays, May 4, 11, & 18 at 10:15 a.m.
Rhymes, songs, and books. For ages 16 months to 2 years and their caregivers.
Baby Rhyme & Playtime – Thursdays, May 7, 14, 21, & 28 at 10:15 a.m.
Rhyme, rhythm, and song. For infants up to 18 months and their caregivers.
The Flying Angels Chinese Dance Company – Saturday, May 9 at 3:00 p.m.
Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month with The Flying Angels Chinese Dance Company. Enjoy a visual feast of traditional dance and elaborate costumes. For children of all ages and their families
Lego Engineering – Tuesday, May 19 at 4:00 p.m.
Power up your engineering skills with tens of thousands of LEGOs®! Apply real-world concepts in physics and engineering through building motorized cars. Build as never before, and explore your craziest ideas in a supportive environment!
Adult Programs:
Knitting Circle – Tuesday, May 12 at 6:00 p.m.
All levels of knitters, please join us with your knit projects and spread the inspiration! Practice supplies provided, but bring your own if you have a special project in mind. For ages 13 and up.
4th Anniversary Merced Branch Library Open House – Wednesday, May 20 at 6:00 p.m.
The Merced Open House and Arts & Culture Salon commences at 6:00 p.m. with light refreshments, crafts, and entertainment by I. Reed Daley and Bookworms, a band that plays bluegrass renditions of everything from the Rolling Stones to Paul Simon to Bill Monroe. At 7:00 p.m., Shohreh Aghdashloo, Emmy-winning and Oscar-nominated Iranian-American actress, will read from her book, The Alley of Love and Yellow Jasmines: A Memoir. The book details her early years in Iran, her relocation to England during the 1979 Iranian Revolution, her life in the United States, and her subsequent film and television career. Ms. Aghdashloo has appeared in numerous movies and television shows, including House of Sand and Fog, 24, and House of Saddam.
What's all the fuss about GMOs? – Wednesday, May 27 at 7:00 p.m.
What should you know about genetically engineered foods? Wendy Portnuff shares the history of genetically modified foods, the current state of the science regarding the potential impact of these foods on our health, and tips for how to avoid them if that's your choice.
Book-A-Librarian: Learn Basic Computer Skills
Choose a topic - searching library databases, setting up an email account, or surfing the Internet. Basic mouse and typing skills required. Sign up in-person or call to make a one hour one-on-one appointment.
“You Can’t Judge a Book...” by Artists from The Arc – April 4 to June 26
This exhibition highlights the talents and perspective of artists with developmental disabilities and the importance of their creative contribution to our culture. Also on display at the Noe Valley and Eureka Valley branches.
Merced Branch Library, San Francisco Public Library
155 Winston Drive (at 19th Avenue), San Francisco, CA 94132
(415) 355-2825, sfpl.org
 Balboa Reservoir Workshop #2: Next Tuesday, May 5th |
Posted by: MarkScardina - 04-30-2015, 08:27 PM - Forum: City Meetings and Events
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Dear Community Members ,
This is a friendly reminder that next Tuesday is the second public workshop on the Balboa Reservoir project. The workshop will dive into more detailed conversations with city staff on the priorities that have emerged from community meetings, surveys and input. We will also update you on the process, including the new Citizens Advisory Committee. There will be a little overlap for those who have been attended previous meetings, but next Tuesday will provide a chance for more input into areas such as open space, neighborhood character, sustainability, housing and transportation.
Balboa Reservoir Site Study – Public Workshop #2
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
6-8 PM
City College, Multi-Use Building, Room 140
55 Phelan Avenue (west side of Phelan, between Ocean and Judson)
Optional RSVP here
More info: http://www.sf-planning.org/BalboaReservoir
Email Jeremy.shaw@sfgov.org for childcare or translation requests
Please spread the word and encourage people to RSVP if they are online (RSVP is optional, but helpful for planning). Feel free to contact me with any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!
Jeremy Shaw
JEREMY SHAW | Planner/Urban Designer | SF PLANNING | 415.575.9135
ITHA Spring Garage Sale May 2 |
Posted by: LindaMcGilvray - 04-24-2015, 01:03 PM - Forum: IT Meetings and Events
- Replies (1)
Hello, ITHA Neighbors,The deadline has been extended from noon today until 9:00PM tonight to notify me that you will be participating in the May 2 Spring Fling Garage Sale. Please advise me of your address and the top three categories of the items you will be selling. Your check for a suggested $20.00 donation should be made out to "ITHA." So far, we have nine neighbors participating from the following Ingleside Terraces streets: - Moncada
- Head
- Lunado
- Corona
- Alviso
- Urbano
One family has generously offered their time to post flyers in West Portal/Lakeside, and we could sure use more help with this fun task. We are still looking for volunteers to hang the banners on the entrances to ITHA on the stone pillars. Thank you, Wendy(415) 706-0549 [dir=ltr]Saturday, May 2, 2015 10:00 am until 3:00 pm
All neighbors in Ingleside Terraces are invited to open their garage doors for the sale!
Take advantage of this money making and community event! Publicity coordinated by ITHA ! Thank you to Linda for creating the flyers and maps and to Sandy for putting our ad in the SFGate, Craigslist and Nextdoor.
Hopefully, we will be enjoying another brilliantly sunny day like .... yesterday!
Here are ways you may help with publicizing this fabulous event: - If you are willing to help place flyers, created by Linda, in local businesses the week of April 27th, let me know. I'll give you however many you wish, and you could specify the segment of Ocean Ave, West Portal, SFState, our neighborhood or any other nearby neighborhood you are willing to canvas.
- If you are willing to hang posters and signs on construction/realtor wooden folding stands throughout the ITHA boundaries on the [/size]morning of the sale, meet at 8:30 am on May 2nd at Sandy's, 440 Urbano. Please let me know if you can help by responding to this email or call 706-0549! Hopefully at least 10 neighbors will respond, especially neighbors who will be customers as the sellers will be quite busy organizing their items! If anyone knows of an inexpensive way to obtain helium-filled balloons, let me know. Helium is at such a premium now, that party stores are charging $1.29 PER balloon!
- Sandy has the large banners ITHA purchased to advertise the sale, and we need help hanging them on the stone pillars. Who could bring a ladder and is interested in this helpful task the week of April 27th?
Linda will be creating a map of the participating homeowners including their top 3 categories of items to be sold. There are now 8 households signed up, and the deadline has been moved up to this Thursday, April 23rd so that the flyers and maps can be made! One interesting tidbit from experience: If you live on Cerritos, but would like to have your sale located at the back of your home on Cedro, please let me know the address on Cedro. Please email Wendy Dwyer at hairnetw@hotmail.com before Thursday, April 23rd at noon with the following information: 1. your last name (#1 and #2 will not appear on the map,)
2. phone #
3. address for the map
4. the top three categories of items you will be selling. 5. If you will volunteer for publicity
Each seller's address will be graphically noted on the map and the sellers will receive 20 printed copies of the map on Friday May 1st to hand out to customers. I will also post the map and flyer to this google group so you may copy it and give it to your friends or post it in your place of business. I understand that some of our households took note of "early birds," those customers who greatly anticipate this sale and arrive at your doorstep very early. There were even folks inquiring the day before. I will make sure that I will have something along the lines of "NO EARLY BIRDS!" diplomatically on the flyer and map, but please anticipate that this phenomenon may happen again this year. To be clear (as mud!), the flyer has the date/time and an outline of our neighborhood and is used to let the San Francisco community at large know about our big sale, and the map is a bit more closely guarded as it contains the actual street addresses and items to be sold.
If you still have unsold items at the end of the day that you would like to donate, I would be happy to take your donations to any of the following places:- I know the Bayview Mission on Jerrold would gladly accept any of your unsold items.
- You will also be able to donate your unsold electronics by contacting Recology or drop off at the SF Ecocenter at 590 Howard. Call 287-0000 x102 for more information.
- Donations of used books are welcomed at any SF Public libraries, including those closest to Ingleside Terraces: Merced, 155 Winston Drive or Ingleside, 1298 Ocean Avenue. This will put books back into the hands of readers and will replenish books in public school libraries.
- If you have used sports equipment or new first aid supplies, the Lick-Wilmerding High School, 755 Ocean Ave, students traveling to Senegal in June would appreciate your donations. Let me know and I will hand deliver them to the students.
There is a suggested donation of $20 per household participating to cover the cost of publicity. Our garage sale will be publicized through the SFGate, Craigslist and NextDoor and other forums. Please drop off or mail your check written to: ITHA , and send it to Wendy Dwyer at 350 Urbano Drive! So far, 7 neighbors will be participating and 5 have given ITHA a donation. To date, those participating live on Urbano (3), Lunado (1) Alviso (1), Corona (1) and Moncada (1). Invite your neighbors to participate, and also have your friends who do not live in the Terraces bring their items to your home so you both could participate. If you live on Holloway, Ashton, Ocean or Junipero Serra, we would love to have you participate as your homes are welcoming gateways to draw customers into the Terraces! Thank you, one and all!
Wendy, 706-0549