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Merced Branch Library - December 2015 events
Posted by: MarkScardina - 11-22-2015, 06:54 PM - Forum: City Meetings and Events - No Replies

Please note that on Thursday, December 10th we will be hosting a special presentation on the centennial of the Panama-Pacific International Exhibition.  This will be our first Thursday night program since our hours were extended last year.


December 2015

Adult Programs:

Merced Book Club – Tuesday, December 1 at 7:00 p.m. Join us for a lively discussion of Julie Schumacher's novel, Dear Committee Members. The Merced Library book club meets bimonthly. New members are always welcome. For more information or to locate a copy of the book, please contact library staff at (415) 355-2825.

Lovers in Montmartre: Modigliani and Hébuterne – Wednesday, December 2 at 7:00 p.m.
View the extraordinary art of Amedeo Modigliani, one of the most distinctive artists of the 20th Century, and hear stories about his muse and the love of his life, the beautiful and talented artist, Jeanne Hébuterne. Their Parisian circle included poets, painters, sculptors, film makers and composers. He painted portraits of Picasso, Diego Rivera, Jacques Lipchitz, Henri Laurens, and the poet and film maker, Jean Cocteau as well as art dealers and patrons.

Knitting Circle – Tuesday, December 8 at 6:00 p.m.
All levels of knitters, please join us with your knit projects and spread the inspiration! Practice supplies provided, but bring your own if you have a special project in mind. For ages 13 and up.

San Francisco's Panama-Pacific Exposition – Thursday, December 10 at 7:00 p.m.
In its centennial year, Nancy DeStefanis discusses the "last great world's fair," the Panama Pacific International Exposition of 1915, and displays artifacts from the event. She also presents a slideshow and a film, “The Phantom City,” which features live footage of the Exposition. Constructed on 635 acres of what is now the Marina District, the Fair demonstrated that San Francisco had recovered from the devastation of the 1906 earthquake and was a center of new ideas and manufacture.

Book-A-Librarian: Learn Basic Computer Skills
Choose a topic - searching library databases, setting up a n email account, or surfing the Internet. Basic mouse and typing skills required. Sign up in-person or call to make a one hour one-on-one appointment.

Children's Programs:

Baby Rhyme & Playtime – Thursdays, December 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 at 10:15 a.m.
Rhyme, rhythm, and song. For infants up to 18 months and their caregivers.

Toddler Tales & Playtime – Mondays, December 7, 14, 21, & 28 at 10:15 a.m.
Rhymes, songs, and books. For ages 16 months to 2 years and their caregivers.

Legos and Holiday Snacks – Tuesday, December 8 at 4:00 p.m.
Come play with LEGOs and let your imagination go wild! We provide all the pieces you'll need to create vehicles, robots, castles, and more. Holiday snacks will be served. For ages 3 and up.


Merced Branch Library, San Francisco Public Library

155 Winston Drive (at 19th Avenue), San Francisco, CA 94132 

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Want to write The Great American (Historical) Novel? - come to the Merced Library
Posted by: MarkScardina - 11-12-2015, 10:07 PM - Forum: City Meetings and Events - No Replies

On Wednesday, November 18th at 7:00 p.m., the Merced Branch Library will present:

Spinning Facts into Fiction: Writing the Historical Novel 

What is the process by which a historical novelist shapes fact into fiction, and where does the writer draw the line between truth and story? Patricia Bracewell discusses the historical characters and events behind her novels Shadow on the Crown and The Price of Blood and explains how history must inform the fiction even as the writer makes creative choices in order to serve the demands of drama.

We hope you can join us for this program, the November Merced Arts & Culture Salon.


Elizabeth Thacker-Estrada
Merced Branch Library
San Francisco Public Library
155 Winston Drive
San Francisco, CA 94132
(415) 355-5651
(415) 337-8350 (fax)

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Reminder: Balboa Reservoir CAC meeting rescheduled for Nov 30th
Posted by: MarkScardina - 11-12-2015, 10:05 PM - Forum: City Meetings and Events - No Replies

Dear Community Members,

This is a reminder that the regularly scheduled, November Balboa Reservoir CAC meeting was rescheduled.

There is not a meeting on November 9th.

The November meeting, which will focus on transportation, is scheduled for November 30th, 2015, at 6:15pm. For all the updates and downloads, please see the CAC Meeting page at http://www.sf-planning.org/index.aspx?page=4224.

We look forward to seeing you November 30th.

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SF-Marin Food Bank Barrel at the Merced Branch Library
Posted by: MarkScardina - 11-12-2015, 10:03 PM - Forum: City Meetings and Events - No Replies

Dear friend of the Merced Branch Library:

Until Thursday, December 10th, patrons of the Merced Branch Library can bring food to the branch and place it in the SF-Marin Food Bank Barrel.

The most needed foods include tuna and canned meats, low-sugar cereal, peanut butter, whole grain rice, pasta, and oats, low-sodium soups and stews, 100% fruit juice, and canned fruits and vegetables.

No glass, please!

Thank you for your generosity this holiday season.


Elizabeth Thacker-Estrada
Merced Branch Library
San Francisco Public Library
155 Winston Drive
San Francisco, CA 94132
(415) 355-5651
(415) 337-8350 (fax)

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Ocean Avenue Paving Work at Night
Posted by: MarkScardina - 11-12-2015, 09:53 PM - Forum: City Meetings and Events - No Replies

 Ocean Avenue Paving Work at Night
San Francisco Public Works is scheduled to repave Ocean Avenue from 19th Avenue to Junipero Serra Blvd. Due to the high volume of pedestrian and vehicular traffic on this commercial corridor, grinding and paving operations will be conducted overnight. The overnight improvement work will occur Thursday, Nov. 19 and Friday, Nov. 20. The work hours are 8 p.m. to 7.a.m.

Impacts and Restrictions
Street parking will not be possible during work hours on Ocean Avenue from 19th Avenue to Junipero Serra Blvd. Please follow the posted barricade signs for work hours, days, and locations. Crews may need to post additional parking restrictions on side streets near intersections in order to complete the work. Although overnight work hours are 8 p.m. to 7 a.m., parking restrictions may begin earlier than 8 p.m. Vehicles parked in the construction zone during the posted work hours will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense. Sidewalk access will be maintained at all times. Please allow extra travel time during the indicated work hours. We thank you for your patience as we make improvement to San Francisco’s infrastructure.

Scope of Work: Grinding and Paving
Text Box: Contractor’s Contact Information 24/7
Sonny Silao
LC General Engineering and Construction, Inc.
1596 Hudson Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94124
Cell No. 415. 218.2189

Work Hours
Thursday, Nov19, 2015, 8 p.m. – 7 a.m.
Friday, Nov 20, 2015, 8 p.m. – 7 a.m.

Note: No high-level noise or impact noise to be made after 10 p.m.

Grace L. Moore
Public Affairs Officer

Office of Communications & Public Affairs
San Francisco Public Works
City and County of San Francisco
30 Van Ness Avenue, 5th Fl
San Francisco, CA 94102
Ph (415) 558-5282 Fx (415) 522-7723
sfpublicworks.org · twitter.com/sfpublicworks

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Agenda for ITHA Annual Meeting 11/14/2015
Posted by: LesPlack - 11-09-2015, 08:50 PM - Forum: IT Meetings and Events - No Replies

.pdf   ITHA Agenda Annual 2015 Meeting-3.pdf (Size: 56.92 KB / Downloads: 1)

The following is the Agenda our Annual Meeting, November 14, 2015
All Ingleside Terraces homeowners and residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

St. Francis Episcopal Church Hall
399 San Fernando Way
San Francisco, CA.
10:00 A.M. Saturday, November 14, 2015


10:00 AM:     Call to order                     Mark Scardina 
1. Approval of 10/15/2015 Minutes                      Sandy Gandolfo
2. President’s Report                             Mark Scardina
    a. Coyote Project Update
    b. Pillars Maintenance Update
3. Ocean Avenue Association Report                     Dan Weaver
4. Treasurer’s Report                             David Supan
a. 2016 Budget Approval
5. SFPD Taraval Station Sector Sergeant’s report
6. ITHA Flooding/Sewer Issues                         Mark Scardina/Pat Hechinger
a. SFPUC Meeting report
7. Election of New Board Members                 Mark Scardina
    a. David Supan for e-election
    b. 3 Vacancies (Nominations from the floor)
8. Committee Reports
    a. Design Review Committee                         Suzanne McDonnell
    b. Newsletter Committee                          Linda McGilvray
    c. WTPCC Report                         Paul Conroy
    d. Membership Committee                         Jade To
    e. NERT                                          Colin Shields
    f. Electronic Comm. Committee                 Mark Goldstein
    g. Construction Report                     Suzanne McDonnell
    h. Welcome Wagon                                   Jade To
    i. Social Committee                             Sandy Gandolfo/Wendy Dwyer
    j. Landscape Committee                         Mark Scardina
9.  New Business

Noon:    Adjourn

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 7:30 PM        Happy Holidays!

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Call for Agenda Items for the ITHA Annual Meeting 11/14/2015
Posted by: LesPlack - 11-01-2015, 11:19 AM - Forum: IT Meetings and Events - No Replies

Call for agenda items for ITHA meeting 11/14/2015

We will be having our ITHA Annual meeting on Saturday, November 14, 2015

Please forward any proposed Agenda Item suggestions to me by the end of
the day, Thursday, November 5, 2015.

Thank you,

Les Plack
ITHA Vice President

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Invite to Community Meeting Weds. 11/4 on Stormwater Mgmt.
Posted by: MarkScardina - 10-31-2015, 12:20 PM - Forum: City Meetings and Events - No Replies

On behalf of the New Mission Terrace Improvement Association, I would like to invite you to the PUC-convened community meeting in response to the  sewer failure and flooding of homes in Districts 8 and 11 last December. 
     This meeting will take place next Wednesday evening, November 4, 6:30-8pm, at the Ingleside Police Station community room in Balboa Park at the top of Sgt. John V. Young Dr.
 The PUC meeting notice is included below.
     The issues we face are actually city-wide issues. Neighborhoods affected include Ingleside Terrace, West Portal, Mission Terrace and the Mission District in the vicinity of 17th St & Folsom.      I hope that you can attend the meeting.
Thank You,
David Hooper
New Mission Terrace Improvement Association
(415) 585-0472

For more information. please allow me to refer you to the following articles and links:
Overview in SF Weekly article "Shit Storm" by Julia Wong
Mission Local report on PUC community meeting last evening (10/29) 
     Ingleside-Excelsior Light article in the October issue

   PUC invite below:   ---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Walsh, Jean <JWalsh@sfwater.org>
Date: 2015-10-26 15:50 GMT-07:00
Subject: Invite to Community Meeting Weds. 11/4 on Stormwater Mgmt.
To: "Walsh, Jean" <JWalsh@sfwater.org>
Dear neighbors,

Since December 2014, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) has been investigating the area at and around Cayuga and Rousseau as well as other low-lying areas of the city that are prone to flooding during heavy rains.

Please join Supervisor Scott Wiener and the SFPUC on Wednesday, November 4, 2015, 6:30pm-8:00pm for a follow-up to the 5/13/15 community meeting as we share the results of our work to date and next steps. The meeting will be held at the Ingleside Police Station Community Room, 1 Sgt John V Young Street. The nearest BART station is Balboa Park.

This meeting will also be an opportunity to speak with our program staff and hydraulic engineers about the modified and expanded Floodwater Grant program, which now includes other types of eligible projects such as flood walls, doorway adjustments, and raised grades, in addition to backflow preventers and removable flood barriers. We encourage property owners to look into this innovative program. More information about the Floodwater Grant program and other ways to prepare for the rainy season can be found on our website at www.sfwater.org/stormprep.  

 We hope to see you next Wednesday, November 4.  Please feel free to invite your neighbors. Thank you, and please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Jean Walsh 

SFPUC Communications

(415) 554-3289




請於二零一五年十一月四日星期三下午六時三十分至八時出席由市參事Scott Wiener及三藩市水利局合辦的聚會,  跟進二零一五年五月十三日的社區會議,我們將會滙報最新的工作成果和下一步驟。會議地點是Ingleside警署社區室(1 Sgt John V Young St., San Francisco, CA 94112,就近的地鐵站是Balboa Park站)。

關於防洪援助計劃詳情和其他如何準備雨季來臨的方法,可瀏覽我們的網頁 www.sfwater.org/stormprep

我們期待於十一月四日星期三與你會面。並邀請你的鄰居一起來, 謝謝你,如有任何問題,請隨時與我聯絡。

Jean Walsh 

Estimados vecinos:

 Desde diciembre de 2014, la Comisión de Servicios Públicos de San Francisco (SFPUC por sus signas en inglés) ha estado investigando el área en y alrededor de las calles Cayuga y Rousseau, así como otras zonas bajas de la ciudad que son propensas a las inundaciones durante las fuertes lluvias.

 Únase con el Supervisor Scott Wiener y la SFPUC el miércoles, 4 de noviembre 2015, de las 18:30 a 20:00 en el salón Comunitario de la  Estación de Policía de Ingleside ,1º de la calle Sargento John V. Young, San Francisco, para un seguimiento de la reunión de la comunidad del 13/05/15 y compartir los resultados de nuestro trabajo hasta la fecha y próximos pasos.  La estación más cercana del BART es la del Parque Balboa.

Esta reunión también será una oportunidad para hablar con nuestro personal del programa de Subsidios para el manejo de inundaciones y con los ingenieros hidráulicos sobre el programa modificado y ampliado de Subsidios para el manejo de inundaciones, que ahora incluye otros tipos de proyectos elegibles, tales como muros de contención, ajustes del umbral, desniveles elevados, además de dispositivos anti retorno y barreras removibles contra inundaciones. Animamos a propietarios en este innovador programa.

 Más información sobre el programa de Subsidios para el manejo de inundaciones y otras maneras de prepararse para la temporada de lluvias se puede encontrar en nuestra página web: www.sfwater.org/stormprep

 Esperamos verlos el miércoles, 4 de noviembre. Siéntanse libres de invitar a sus vecinos.

Gracias y por favor, comuníquense si usted tienen cualquier pregunta o preocupación.


Jean Walsh

Kung kailangan ninyo ng tulong sa Filipino mangyaring tumawag sa 415-554-3289.

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Revised Agenda for ITHA Meeting 10/15/2015
Posted by: LesPlack - 10-11-2015, 03:55 PM - Forum: IT Meetings and Events - No Replies

The following and the attached file is the Agenda our October 15[sup]th[/sup], 2015 meeting.
All Ingleside Terraces homeowners and residents are welcome and are encouraged to attend.

7:30 P.M. Thursday, October 15th, 2015
Guild Hall – St. Francis Episcopal Church
399 San Fernando Way
San Francisco, CA.

AGENDA7:30pm:    Call to order       Mark ScardinaThe following is the Agenda our October 15th meeting.
All Ingleside Terraces homeowners and residents are welcome and are encouraged to attend.

7:30 P.M. Thursday, October 15th, 2015
Guild Hall – St. Francis Episcopal Church
399 San Fernando Way
San Francisco, CA.

7:30pm:    Call to order                                      Mark Scardina
1. Approval of 9/17/2015 Minutes                       Mark Scardina
2. President's Report                                           Mark Scardina
3. Treasurer's Report                                          David Supan
4. SFPD Taraval Station Sector Sergeant's report
5. Presentation by Supervisor Yee's office            Matthias Mormino
6. Coyote report                                                 Mark Scardina
7. Committee Reports
    a. Design Review                                             Suzanne McDonnell
    b. Landscape Committee                                 TBD
    c. WTPCC Report                                            Paul Conroy
    d. Electronic Comm. Committee                       Mark Scardina for Mark Goldstein
    e. NERT                                                           Colin Shields
    f. Newsletter Committee                                   Linda McGilvray
    g. Membership Committee                               Jade To
    h. Welcome Wagon                                         Jade To
    i. Construction Report                                      Suzanne McDonnell
    j. Social Committee                                           Sandy Gandolfo, Wendy Dwyer
8  New Business

9:00PM Adjourn

NEXT MEETING: Will be our Annual Meeting, Nov. 14, 2015 at 10:00 AM. Board of Director elections for vacant seats will be held at this meeting.

Attached Files
.pdf   ITHA Agenda 10-15-2015 rev. 03.pdf (Size: 61.93 KB / Downloads: 2)
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SFPOA -- PSA -- Body Worn Cameras
Posted by: MarkScardina - 10-09-2015, 09:51 PM - Forum: City Meetings and Events - No Replies

[Image: a234ac06071c639f3394ce0d_590x152.jpg]

By now, we all know that Body Worn Cameras (BWC) are coming to the SFPD. The POA has been part of a "working group" that was established by the San Francisco Police Commission and the department. A draft policy has now been submitted to the Police Commission. The San Francisco Public Defender’s Office, the OCC, and the ACLU were also part of this "working group", even though the ACLU did not attend a single meeting. These organizations now believe that members should not be allowed to view video footage prior to writing an incident report or providing a statement to an investigator. The POA adamantly disagrees. In order to provide the most complete, accurate, and thorough report, our members must be allowed to view any and all video footage of an incident. In an ongoing effort to get our message out to the community, the POA has produced a Public Service Announcement (PSA) stating our position. 


Martin Halloran

SFPOA President

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