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ITHA Board Meeting - April 18th, 7:30pm
Posted by: chris.murriel - 04-15-2019, 07:18 PM - Forum: IT Meetings and Events - No Replies

Dear Ingleside Terraces Residents and Homeowners,

This week's ITHA Board Meeting will feature a presentation from ClenPowerSF.  This will be especially pertinent ad relevant given that customers will need to select a power provider in the very near future.

We look forward to seeing you there!  The Agenda is attached.



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ITHA Board Meeting - March 21st, 7:30pm
Posted by: chris.murriel - 03-18-2019, 08:01 PM - Forum: IT Meetings and Events - No Replies

Dear Ingleside Terraces Residents and Homeowners,

Attached is the Agenda our March 21, 2019, ITHA Meeting.
All Ingleside Terraces homeowners and residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.


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ITHA Board Meeting - February 21st, 7:30pm
Posted by: chris.murriel - 02-21-2019, 01:52 PM - Forum: IT Meetings and Events - No Replies

Dear Ingleside Terrace Residents and Homeowners,

Below and attached is the Agenda for tonight Board Meeting which will be begin at 7:30pm.  All Ingleside Terraces homeowners and residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

7:30 P.M. Thursday, February 21, 2019
Guild Hall – St. Francis Episcopal Church
399 San Fernando Way
San Francisco, CA

7:30pm:    Call to order                                                            Mark Scardina 
  1. Introduction of ITHA Board Members
  2. Approval of 1/17/2019 Minutes                           Mark Scardina
  3. President’s Report                                                  Mark Scardina
  4. Treasurer’s Report                                                 David Supan
  5. SFPD Taraval Station report                                   TBD
  6. Construction Separation Concept                           John Stacey
  7. Committee Reports
  1. NERT                                                              Thom Buchanan
  2. Membership Committee                                               Jade To
  3. Welcome Wagon                                                         Jade To
  4. Electronic Comm. Committee                          Mark Scardina for Mark Goldstein
  5. Landscape Committee                                     John Stacey
  6. Newsletter Committee                                      Linda McGilvray
  7. Construction Report                                         Suzanne McDonnell
  8. Design Review                                                 Suzanne McDonnell
  9. Social Committee                                             Sandy Gandolfo, Wendy Dwyer
  10. WTPCC Report                                                            Paul Conroy, Mark ScardinaNew Business 

9:00PM                       Adjourn

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 7:30 PM

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Ingleside Terraces Board Meeting - Thursday, January 17th at 7:30pm
Posted by: chris.murriel - 01-15-2019, 09:51 AM - Forum: IT Meetings and Events - No Replies

Fellow Ingleside Terraces Residents,<br />
<br />
Below and attached is the Agenda for our next Board Meeting this Thursday, January 17, 2019.  All Ingleside Terraces residents and homeowners are welcome and encouraged to attend.<br />
<br />
<br />
7:30 P.M. Thursday, January 17, 2019<br />
Guild Hall – St. Francis Episcopal Church<br />
399 San Fernando Way<br />
San Francisco, CA<br />
<br />
<br />
<b><i>AGENDA</i></b><br />
<br />
<i><u>7:30pm</u></i>:    Call to order                                                Mark Scardina <br />
<br />
1. Introduction of ITHA Board Members<br />
2. Approval of 11/3/2018 Annual Meeting Minutes           Mark Scardina<br />
3. President’s Report                                                    Mark Scardina<br />
4. Treasurer’s Report                                                    David Supan<br />
5. SFPD Taraval Station report                                       TBD<br />
6. Election of Board Officers                                          Sandy Gandolfo<br />
7. Tree Planting/Sundial Restoration                              Mark Scardina<br />
8. Additional Neighborhood Projects                               Chris Murriel<br />
9. 2019 Project vs. Budget Review                                 David Supan<br />
10. Committee Reports<br />
      a. Electronic Comm. Committee                               Mark Scardina for Mark Goldstein<br />
      b. Landscape Committee                                         John Stacey<br />
      c. Newsletter Committee                                         Linda McGilvray<br />
      d. Construction Report                                            Suzanne McDonnell<br />
      e. Design Review                                                   Suzanne McDonnell<br />
      f. Social Committee                                                Sandy Gandolfo, Wendy Dwyer<br />
      g. WTPCC Report                                                   Paul Conroy, Mark Scardina<br />
      h. Membership Committee                                      Jade To<br />
      i. Welcome Wagon                                                 Jade To<br />
      j. NERT                                                                 Thom Buchanan<br />
11. New Business<i><u>9:00PM</u></i><i>                        </i>Adjourn<br />
<br />
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, February 21, 2019 at 7:30 PM<br />

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ITHA Annual Board Meeting Agenda
Posted by: chris.murriel - 10-30-2018, 02:13 PM - Forum: IT Meetings and Events - No Replies

Fellow Ingleside Terraces Residents,

Below and attached is the Agenda for our Annual Board Meeting that will take place on this Saturday, November 3, 2018, at 10:00AM.  All Ingleside Terraces residents and homeowners are welcome and encouraged to attend!


10:00 A.M. Saturday, November 3, 2018
Church Hall – St. Francis Episcopal Church
399 San Fernando Way
San Francisco, CA.


10:00AM:    Call to order                                                   Mark Scardina 

1. Approval of October Meeting Minutes                              Mark Scardina
2. President’s Report                                                         Mark Scardina
3. Treasurer’s Report                                                        David Supan
4. SFPD Taraval Station Captain’s report                             Captain Robert Yick
5. District 7 Update/Supervisor Yee                                    Supervisor Yee/Erica Maybaum
6. Ingleside Light/Ocean Ave Assoc.                                   Neil Ballard
7. Board Elections                                                             Christopher Murriel
8. Committee Reports
    a. Newsletter Committee                                               Linda McGilvray
    b. Construction Report                                                  Suzanne McDonnell                
    c. Design Review                                                          Suzanne McDonnell
    d. Social Committee                                                      Sandy Gandolfo, Wendy Dwyer
    e. WTPCC Report                                                         Mark Scardina
    f. Membership Committee                                             Jade To
    g. Welcome Wagon                                                      Jade To
    h. NERT                                                                      Thom Buchanan
    i. Landscape Committee                                                John Stacey
    j. Electronic Comm. Committee                                      Mark Scardina for Mark Goldstein

New Business
12:00PM                       Adjourn

NEXT MEETING: January 17, 2019 at 7:30 PM

Chris Murriel
Vice President
ITHA Homes Association

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ITHA Board Meeting Agenda - October 18th, 7:30PM
Posted by: chris.murriel - 10-16-2018, 09:51 AM - Forum: IT Meetings and Events - No Replies

Fellow Ingleside Terraces Residents,

Below and attached is the Agenda for our October 18, 2018, Board Meeting.  All Ingleside Terraces residents and homeowners are welcome and encouraged to attend.


7:30 P.M. Thursday, October 18, 2018
Guild Hall – St. Francis Episcopal Church
399 San Fernando Way
San Francisco, CA.


7:30pm:    Call to order                                                                        Mark Scardina 

1. Approval of 9/20/2018 Meeting Minutes                                             Mark Scardina
2. SFPD Taraval Station report                                                              Capt. Robert Yick
3. President’s Report                                                                           Mark Scardina
4. Treasurer’s Report                                                                          David Supan
5. Changes to the ITHA Board Meeting Time and Format                        Eileen Ambre
6. Prop 10 Impact Discussion                                                               Mark Scardina
7. Committee Reports
     a. Social Committee                                                                       Sandy Gandolfo, Wendy Dwyer
     b. WTPCC Report                                                                           Paul Conroy, Mark Scardina
     c. Membership Committee                                                               Jade To
     d. Welcome Wagon                                                                        Jade To
     e. NERT                                                                                        Thom Buchanan
     f. Social Committee                                                                        Sandy Gandolfo, Wendy Dwyer
     g. Landscape Committee                                                                 John Stacey
     h. Electronic Comm. Committee                                                       Mark Scardina for Mark Goldstein
     i. Construction Report                                                                     Suzanne McDonnell
     j. Design Review                                                                            Suzanne McDonnell
     k. Newsletter Committee                                                                 Linda McGilvray
8. New Business

9:00PM                       Adjourn

NEXT MEETING: Saturday, November 3, 2018 at 10:00 AM.

Chris. Murriel
Vice President, ITHA

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ITHA Board Meeting Agenda - September 20th, 7:30PM
Posted by: chris.murriel - 09-17-2018, 09:52 AM - Forum: IT Meetings and Events - No Replies

The following is the Agenda of our ITHA Meeting.
All Ingleside Terraces homeowners and residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

7:30 P.M. Thursday, September 20, 2018
Guild Hall - St. Francis Episcopal Church
399 San Fernando Way
San Francisco, CA.

7:30pm:    Call to order                                                          Mark Scardina 

1. Approval of 6/21/2018 Meeting Minutes                                Mark Scardina
2. SFPD Taraval Station report                                                 Captain Robert Yick
3. El Rey Theater Proposal                                                       Urbano Ezquerro    
4. President’s Report                                                               Mark Scardina
5. Treasurer’s Report                                                              David Supan
6. Ingleside Terraces Abandoned/neglected Homes                    John Stacey
7. Painting Update                                                                  John Stacey
8. Committee Reports   
    a. Membership Committee                                                   Jade To
    b. Welcome Wagon                                                             Jade To
    c. NERT                                                                             Thom Buchanan
    d. Social Committee                                                            Sandy Gandolfo, Wendy Dwyer
    e. Landscape Committee                                                      John Stacey
    f. Electronic Comm. Committee                                             Mark Scardina for Mark Goldstein
    g. Construction Report                                                         Suzanne McDonnell
    h. Design Review                                                                 Suzanne McDonnell
    i. Newsletter Committee                                                        Linda McGilvray
    j. WTPCC Report                                                                  Paul Conroy, Mark Scardina
    k. Social Committee                                                              Sandy Gandolfo, Wendy Dwyer
9. New Business

9:00PM                       Adjourn

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, October 18, 2018 at 7:30 PM

Chris Murriel
ITHA Vice President

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PG&E Streetlight Upgrade Status
Posted by: MarkScardina - 07-19-2018, 08:19 PM - Forum: IT Meetings and Events - No Replies

I have received this update for the PG&E Streetlight upgrade work being completed.

3 week lookahead schedule is as follows:

Week of 7/16, we will be starting at the SWCO Urbano/Victoria IFO 744 Urbano, and making our way west down Urbano twds 700 Urbano, and will most likely start on De Soto once we finish on Urbano

Week of 7/23 will work on De Soto, then move to Corona St pending progress, restoring the sidewalks on Victoria next week and then up and around Urbano.

Week of 7/30 finish up De Soto/Corona If we are able to keep to this schedule, we will be done North of Holloway by 8/6 



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ITHA Board Meeting - June 21st, 7:30PM
Posted by: chris.murriel - 06-20-2018, 09:43 AM - Forum: IT Meetings and Events - No Replies

Dear Ingleside Terraces Residents,

Please find the Agenda for this week's Board Meeting attached and below.  All Ingleside Terraces homeowners and residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

7:30 P.M. Thursday, June 21, 2018
Guild Hall - St. Francis Episcopal Church
399 San Fernando Way
San Francisco, CA

7:30pm: Call to order Mark Scardina
1. Approval of 5/17/2018 Meeting Minutes                        Mark Scardina
2. President’s Report                                                      Mark Scardina
3. Treasurer’s Report                                                      David Supan
4. SFPD Taraval Station report                                        Lieutenant William Morales
5. Sundial Path Damage                                                 Mark Scardina
6. Committee Reports
    a. Electronic Committee                                              Mark Scardina for Mark Goldstein
    b. Landscape Committee                                             John Stacey
    c. Construction Report                                                Suzanne McDonnell
    d. Design Review                                                       Suzanne McDonnell
        i. 99 Cedro Plans                                                           
    e. Newsletter Committee                                            Linda McGilvray
    f. WTPCC Report                                                       Paul Conroy, Mark Scardina 
    g. Social Committee                                                   Sandy Gandolfo, Wendy Dwyer
        i. Garage Sale
    h. NERT                                                                   Thom Buchanan 
    i. Membership Committee                                           Jade To
    j. Welcome Wagon                                                     Jade To 
7. New Business
9:00PM Adjourn
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, June 21, 2018 at 7:30 PM

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ITHA Board Meeting - May 17th, 7:30PM
Posted by: chris.murriel - 05-16-2018, 07:55 AM - Forum: IT Meetings and Events - No Replies

The following is the Agenda  of our ITHA Meeting.[/size]
All Ingleside Terraces homeowners and residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.[/size]

7:30 P.M. Thursday, May 17, 2018[/size]
Guild Hall - St. Francis Episcopal Church[/size]
399 San Fernando Way[/size]
San Francisco, CA.[/size]

7:30pm: Call to order Mark Scardina
1. Approval of 4/19/2018 Meeting Minutes                        Mark Scardina
2. President’s Report                                                      Mark Scardina
3. Treasurer’s Report                                                      David Supan
4. SFPD Taraval Station report                                         Captain Robert Yick
5. PG&E Streetlight Upgrade Update                                Mark Scardina
6. Committee Reports
    a. Newsletter Committee                                            Linda McGilvray
    b. WTPCC Report                                                      Paul Conroy, Mark Scardina
    c. Social Committee                                                   Sandy Gandolfo, Wendy Dwyer
    d. NERT                                                                   Thom Buchanan
    e. Membership Committee                                          Jade To
    f. Welcome Wagon                                                    Jade To
    g. Landscape Committee                                            John Stacey
        i. Sundial Painting Update
    h. Electronic Comm. Committee                                  Mark Scardina for Mark Goldstein
    i. Construction Report                                                Suzanne McDonnell
    j. Design Review                                                       Suzanne McDonnell
7. New Business
9:00PM Adjourn
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, June 21, 2018 at 7:30 PM

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